
25 Junho 2021

Changes of companies in a time of crisis

The pandemic caused by covid-19 has forcibly brought about a paradigm shift for companies. Small, medium, or large, almost all ended up suffering the consequences of a quarantine period, with purchases, movements, and transactions much less frequent than in a ‘normal’ period.

As in many crises, the health, economic and social emergency caused by the new coronavirus has also brought an opportunity to enhance the digitization and dematerialization of SMEs. Taking advantage of the current situation to drive the modernization of the company’s organization is essential to increase the chances of surviving the upcoming crisis.

Organizations that act quickly and accelerate their digitization plans can rise stronger and resurface with the pillars and systems needed to tackle the post-pandemic landscape. Still, this unexpected adaptation presented difficulties for many companies. Most were unprepared to start telework, dematerialize the processes, and were forced to adapt in any way. Fortunately, there is already technology that allows companies to work more autonomously and anywhere.

Some reasons for the use of technology in business management:

  1. Quick and easy access to information;
  2. More data processing security;
  3. Organization;
  4. Financial Control;
  5. Dematerialization of processes.

In times of digital transformation, the demand for automation of activities is growing more and more, after all, regardless of the size or complexity of a business, all professionals understand that manual work, in addition to spending a lot of time, is always susceptible to errors.